Member Club

Join Vintagio Design Member Club

Best and affordable option to access all of our icons, illustrations & hand drawn vector designs.

Member Club

$39 a year

Save $1,204.00 and get free access to all 301 of our collections for a year.

Join Now

Will Member Club automatically renew?

No. But don’t worry, we will not automatically charge you after the first year of membership expired. We  will notify you 3 days before your Member Club expires. Then you can choose whether to continue and pay for another year for the membership, or stop your membership status.

What happens with my files if I don’t renew my membership?

You can still download and use the files you already downloaded. You can also re-download some files, but you cannot download any file you never downloaded before.

Which way is the best offer, purchasing per item or joining Member Club?

All of our design assets cost $4 per collection. If you plan to purchase more than 10 sets from our collection, we recommend you to join our Member Club.

What kind of license I got with your design asset?

Whether you purchase single collection or become a club member, you will got Commercial License. You can use it for personal or commercial purpose, but you cannot re-distribute the Items as a stock image or it’s source files, regardless of any modifications, under any circumstances. You cannot replicate or make modifications to the item and sell it on any marketplaces as your own. More detail about licensing can be seen here.

Join Vintagio Design Member Club for $39

Join our member club and you allowed to download all our 301 collection for free. You can also download future collection available in our website for the next 1 year. If you heavy user that need a lot of our design, this member club will save you $1,204.00