
Graphic Designer: a Hobby and a Career

  • by Lois Nur Fathiarini
  • July 19, 2022
  • 4 minutes read


Both in drawing and making a design concept, a hobby in graphic design is highly favored by many people. Drawing a design from a character, comic, infographic posters, to product mock ups needs creativity and high technical ability. An expertise in graphic design is a great talent.

Not just as a hobby, a lot of people study this expertise further to fulfill various practical needs. From academic field like school task to work needs, more people getting interested to learn graphic design. Let’s see how this particular hobby can grow as a career choice.

The expanding scope of graphic design

source: Quora

Graphic design includes every aspect of a design process from a visual object, produced using digital technology. Simply put, graphic design is an activity to form a visible object by using digital application like computers and other gadgets. Graphic design process includes idea concepting to design execution, from the thinking and brainstorming process, the objective of the design, and how the final design is to be expected. Graphic design is not limited to drawing process of an object from zero. Usually, people who involved in this hobby is those who really like drawing and also those who have interest in art world; and wants to hone their art skills through digital medium. Besides as a hobby, some of these people decide to make extra money by selling their design to companies or individual buyers.

Start simple

source: FreeCodeCamp

For you who interested as a beginner, don’t worry to start your hobby in graphic design. You can try some simple graphic design applications like Canva and Figma. Both has many examples and templates you can use as a start to introduce yourself to graphic design basics, such as object placement, composition and font choices.

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Both Canva and Figma also provide various existing objects which you can use according type of account you are using. You can sign up with free account version, but the objects and templates you can use is very limited.

Creativity and high technical skill will be needed

source: Fiverr

At least these are two main assets to maintain in graphic design area. Creativity includes the thinking process of original ideas which can be translated into visual display. Technical skills include the ability to use features provided in graphic design applications and programs. Technical skills also includes basic manual drawing skills, from sketching to coloring design objects.

Both of these can be developed in time. Everything needs process, and you can learn about graphic design skills step by step. Remember, start it simple. If you have the talent to draw, then you are a lucky person because the next step is to learn about features in graphic design program to translate manual drawing into digital drawing.

A career choice in modern era

source: Grip Design

Graphic designers start to see a market which needs original designs to visualize a creative concept or product. Generally they work as freelance designers with by opening an order channel or opening commissions for companies or personal requests. We can also find many graphic designers hired by companies as permanent employee. Graphic designer becoming a highly needed position, especially with the ever developing information technology. Many companies need people who are skillful in developing original ideas and concept and presenting their product in a good visual display to their market. Furthermore, social media contents also need creative visualizations came from creative hands.

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Accordingly, both as a hobby and as a career choice, graphic design is highly recommended to learn. This ability is highly needed for private use as well as career needs.


Hello! My name is Lois, I live in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. I am a tattoo artist and I also love sewing and making needleworks. I also do watercolor painting and illustrations.

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