
4 Free Games to Practice Your Skill In Graphic Design

  • by Nikolas Noel
  • September 08, 2022
  • 3 minutes read


We are all like entertainment, young or old, male or female, it doesn’t matter. People can entertain themselves. Which one of them by playing games. The game itself is a systematic kind of play, typically practised for amusement or fun, and occasionally employed as a teaching tool. As described above, in graphic design several tools are commonly used and can be mastered through games. So, what are the types of games in question, are there games that can hone our skills in using tools in graphic design?

Nowadays, games are now more accessible because they are available digitally, in form of video games. As we discussed above games are not only for fun but can also be a medium for learning as well as graphic design. Here are some games that you can play to practice your graphic design skills for free.


Kern Type the kerning game is a media game that focuses on letter spacing. The game has a minimalistic UI and is easy to follow. In Kern Type we are invited to adjust the distance between characters, there is information about the type of typeface used, then we are asked to adjust the distance between characters and the final value can be seen immediately along with the right solution. There are several typographies provided in this game, which makes us more sensitive in providing distance between characters. Useful in making typography or the like. You can access this game at type.method.ac.

Shape Type

One of the important tools used in graphic design is the various variants of shape tools. This tool makes it easy to be able to arrange objects to make them look more precise. To practice the ability to set each notch on the object can be through the game Shape Type.
In the Shape Type game, players are asked to adjust the proportions of an object by setting the notch on the object provided in each level. Similar to the previous game, this game also presents solutions and levels of proficiency that players get. You can access this game at shape.method.ac.

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The Color Game

Another important aspect of graphic design is color selection. This game can help you practice choosing a color composition, going through different levels of color determination using different concepts. Color selection games can be played at color.method.ac. This game presents several levels regarding color selection from HUE observations, saturation, complementary, analogue, triadic and tetratic.

The Bezier Game

Learning to use the pen/bezier tool is also one of the things that graphic designers need to do. The Bezier tool helps designers in shaping the curve of an object. It takes precision and perseverance in forming proportional curves in forming objects in the design. To practice it, you can play the bezier game which can be accessed at bezier.method.ac. Compared to previous games, this bezier game requires more complex commands. Therefore, at the beginning of the game, a tutorial is presented so that players can understand some commands to make it easier to follow the game. Then the levels in the game will be presented in several shapes and the player will use the bezier tool to adjust the image.

So, those are some games that can be played to practice skills in using common/basic tools in graphic design. There are a wide variety of other games to learn graphic design out there. Keep practising, cheers!


El is a chemistry teacher and graphic designer, two combinations that some people question. Still, graphic design is a skill he enjoys outside of his career as a chemistry teacher. Through the world of graphics, El finds love and relieves boredom outside of the chemical experiments that many of his students are confused about at school. He wants to continue providing the best work amidst other busyness.

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