Nowadays, learning basic graphic design skills for your social media content is proven very useful, especially for you who also do your business using social media. Especially when owning an online store, Instagram is becoming one outlet for promotional medium, thus an Instagram feed for business needs to look interesting for people to browse.
A well-managed and eye-catching Instagram feed will have more potential to attract more buyers and increase chance of sales. This also prevails for you who wants to make Instagram account for portfolio, personal branding or other objectives.
Starting with gaining more followers, increasing sales or successful promotion event also can be brought with designing your Instagram feed carefully. A dull and messy Instagram feed can confuse buyers and prevent interactions. Some other things that makes your Instagram feed look less attractive are unclear content and captions, or unqualified photos or videos.
To have photographic ability to create good photos can be a main source for you who wants to create good looking Instagram feed. And don’t forget to complete the whole package by making videos, editing videos and finally, considering graphic design. All of these abilities will support you further in implementing a better social media campaign. These skills are important in social media platform, because most social media like Instagram prioritizes visual display in attracting its users to interact.
Besides content material such as photos and videos that need to be prepared for Instagram feed, there are some crucial basic guidelines to make your Instagram feed looks better.
1. Choose Your Theme and Characteristic
The first step since building your Instagram account is to decide the main theme that is your account characteristic. This theme will build mood and impression that is felt by the audience. A theme also can be a brand identity that is memorable for the audience.

There are a lot of theme that can be chosen; such as simple and minimalistic, clean and neat. You can also choose vintage theme, black and white theme, or horizontal line theme. The next themes you can be inspired from are traveling theme, children’s world, traditional food, and so on.
2. Use Matching Filters

Another tips to make a photo looks more attractive is by adding filters. A mundane photo will look way much cooler, and a matching tone from a filter can put more aesthetic into it.
Color tone also becoming an important component to create a unique identity for your Instagram account to be memorable and easily noticed. There are a lot of free filter applications lately that we can use for photo editing before uploading photos to the internet. Even Instagram also provides addition filters on its app.
3. Use the Grid Feature on Instagram

Have you ever seen this cool Instagram pictures that is cropped into some parts, but as a whole it looks more eye catching in a bigger picture? The photo pieces are another point of interest for your Instagram feed. There are photos that can be cropped into 3 to 9 parts. You don’t need to use this type of design all the time because it will look monotonous. Use it for big announcements or during big holidays.
4. Too Much Selfie Will Kill Your Feed
Have you ever visit an Instagram account that only has selfies on it? How do you exactly feel? Mostly, too much selfie will make your Instagram feed looks shallow and boring. Variation using different angles or different methods like videos can be used to be more interactive.

Moreover, product pictures can be added as well as infographic about your business or profile information. Microblog or carousel feature can also be used on Instagram feed. Limiting selfie pictures is needed and replace it with feed photos that suits more with social media marketing trends. This way is more helpful for you who wants to increase sales on Instagram, to build brand awareness, gain followers, even increasing engagement rate on Instagram.
5. Choose the Right Font and Typography
An Instagram feed will look interesting not solely depends on photos and videos. You can also combine it with other ways such as using the choice of font that suits your brand by using typography. You can add text and quotes into a photograph as well.

Decide what kind of font and typography you want to use, and then you need to be consistently using it in every post of your Instagram feed. This consistency is important for brand identity.
By following this simple guidelines to make your Instagram feed more attractive, hopefully you can gain more audience that suits your brand, increasing followers, engagement and of course sales.