
Neo-minimalism in Graphic Design (Part 1)

  • by Lois Nur Fathiarini
  • March 23, 2023
  • 3 minutes read


A minimalist graphic design is one that never goes out of style. It’s not only designing in simplest ways, minimalist graphic design also has its specific principles. By definition, minimalist is a graphic design style that only use important elements to make a simple yet impressive visualization. It’s been around since 60 years ago and still relevant today. The use of minimalism is not only in graphic design area, but also in other areas such as fashion, architecture, interior design and web design.

source: We and the color

Minimalist graphic design principles includes:

1. Minimalist style in general

The basic principle in minimalist graphic design is a simple visual. Don’t use too much elements and make sure every element has it’s clear meaning. Elements placement needs to be strategic to express more with less.

2. Typeface

Choose the right typeface. Remember that minimalist graphic design style emphasize a simple look. Choose a simple typeface with less detail. That typeface will make your visual display more minimalist. Don’t forget to use only one typeface in one design. Keep it simple.

3. Color choice

Minimalist graphic design is quite known with black and white tone. Both colors are neutral so it can support a simple minimalist look. But minimalist color choice is not always has to be black and white. You can choose 2 to 3 colors and use its combination. Whatever tone and contrast you choose in your color choice will show what kind of message you want to convey through the design.

source: Search Engine Joirnal

4. White space

Minimalist graphic design style is also known with a lot of white space. There are a lot of empty spaces so its visual looks simpler. Eventhough it is called white space, your ‘white space’ doesn’t always have to be white, as long as it match your color choice.

See also  Logo Design 101

5. Details

Eventhough it’s minimalist graphic design, there are still details to be scrutinized. For example, with not much design elements (only typography and images), these elements need to be justiified carefully or a small tilt on typography or image will ruin everything.

6. Consistency

This might be the case for many minimalist design concept. A brand project with minimalist graphic design concept will need to be consistent so that the whole message (i.e., brand image) can be conveyed.

Neo-minimalism in graphic design

source: People of Print

Nowadays, there’s a modification from minimalist graphic design style known as neo-minimalism. Neo-minimalism is a further development of traditional minimalism design practices and aims to take it to the next level and achieving better goals. There are more negative space / white space in neo-minimalism, with simpler typography and less color variation.

Neo-minimalism in graphic design is in high demand because human’s attention span is getting short. We need less description to be able to understand the meaning of a message. When there is too much information, people tend to be lazy and too exhausted just to think that they have to process such information. It is about communicating effectively rather than communicating everything. The trick is to find a way to be most creative with least elements.

source: It’s Nice That

How can we enhance this minimalist graphic design into the next level? We’ll catch you up with this on the next article.


Hello! My name is Lois, I live in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. I am a tattoo artist and I also love sewing and making needleworks. I also do watercolor painting and illustrations.

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